Sunday, February 28, 2010


I’ve forgotten when last time I donate my blood…I think…it was too long time…about two or three years ago…
Mmm…perhaps it is also because of the latest requirement for a blood donor it self which is already changed. As I know, a person who will give their blood must have an adequate and appropriate weight…
Yes…a proper weight that is appropriate with the standard requirement of it…
 And as far as I know too, besides having a right hemoglobin scale and blood pressure, a blood donor has to have that suitable weight…at least 50 kg.
But at the previous time, when I firstly donate my blood, at least 45 kg was acceptable.
I’ve just known about the reason why the requirement is changed..
That is because of how many cc of blood taken. There are 2 types of pocket which saves the taken blood; the small one and the bigger one. The small one is for 250 cc of blood and 350 cc for the bigger one…(once again…that is just as far as I know y…I don’t know yet whether it is possible if there are some other types of the pocket).
If the blood donor has a body weight between 45-50 kg, the blood is only taken 250 cc.  While the others who is more than 50 kg, 350 cc blood pocket is provided for them…
And once more, based on the writer knowledge…hehehee
 If there are no more 250 cc pockets…(maybe because it is so limited)…45-50 kg donor may not protest its policy that their weight are unacceptable…so they can’t donate their blood…
Yang penting dah ada niat, guys…!
Right, kan?

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Is there any opinion about your dad?

I believe every one of you must have had different appreciation about him. I do so…

Ump… but I have no appropriate words to show what a great dad in a great family he is. I just wanna tell about him as can as possible.

Maybe, like most of other dads, he is more silent than talk too much.


He always gives me susu kedelei in the morning. He is the one who always notice me to use anti-mosquitoes’ lotion when I will go to school, and always sends me those lotion beside my pocket money since I’ve been staying at boarding house. Then, when I was in Senior High School, he always give me some fresh milks (susu segar…sometimes SMJ or STMJ…hehehee…as well as some sate keong, my favorite :D).

Nevertheless, in fact, he definitely did more than that, right?

Well…now, how about superdad???

Is it like a Superman? Or the other superheroes, who wear some unique costumes, have special power or special marks on their bodies, and are loved by the citizen in the place they live…???


I don’t think so…but, he has some characteristics that nearly similar with the characteristics above. That is why I call him ‘SUPERDAD’, certainly, because he has something caused me consider him ‘SUPER’.

First, wearing some unique costumes, my superdad doesn’t wear those costumes, he wear the ordinary one, batik with various motif frequently. Maybe, some next time, there will be a Superman or superhero wearing batik…hehee…and my superdad included in its criterion…hehee…

Then, having special power…

Yes…absolutely he has. But, his power is also absolutely different. He can’t fly and hasn’t X-ray like superman, but he always tries to bring his family reaching the paradise, flying high to get there…and his wisdom is more powerful than the X-ray.

He can’t jump from a building to the other one like Spiderman, however his words make my soul jumping gak beraturan, sometimes it can be as high as the sky, but sometimes also can fall down so deep. Beliau gak bisa nempel di dinding kayak spiderman juga, but…his advices awfully nempel bangetz inside my mind. One of those advices is he’s ever said like this (original version with some modification)…

“Nduk, kowe kie sak iki sekolah neng jogja…tambah adoh ko wong… sak iki kowe kudu pinter2 ngurus lan njogo…

Bapak ae isoh koq ngurus.i cah songo, sepuluh karo…ngopo kowe ngurus dhewe ura isoh???”

Yupz…that is one of his advices I remember most.

And then, being loved by the people in the place they live.

Es, of course he is loved by them. He lives in the place called our homey home, rumahku surgaku exactly. And the people who live over there are us, a wife and nine children…

What a big family we are!

Superdad in a superfamily……


However, we must be known that ‘tak ad gading yang tak retak’, right?

As well as, my superdad as a main character in this story, he is a round character (Round character is a dynamic character who has multidimensional personalities. It is possible if he has more than two traits, not only black and white. This character is unpredictable because it has possibility that the character in the beginning of the story can be different with the character in the middle part and or in the end of story). So, refer to the statement ‘tak ada gading yang tak retak’, although he is a main character, round character who has multidimentional personalities, he must be had some weaknesses, because weakness is natural indeed and it is necessary. But, for many reasons, I won’t describe it in this story… ;)

We love him, whoever he is, whatever his strengths and weaknesses. Weakness is natural. Weakness is manusiawi.


Then, he is my daddy. First time I know him is when the first time I realized that I was able to remember. It is a really long time ago… J

Something that he doesn’t forget to do everyday is ‘DZIKIR’. I do like this…

Sometimes, he does it together with praying (berdoa-red). His dzikir is heard-able; I mean when he’s doing dzikir, his voice is loud enough to be heard. So, unconsciously, I often hear what he said is when he does it…hehehee

And something that I often hear most is a pray of us ourselves; us refers to my brothers and sister, and me…his children… (I hope ALLAH bless us, even if his pray is heard by someone he prays :D). Soal.e,syarat terkabul.ny doa jika orang yang didoakan tidak tahu kalau dia didoakan…begituuu… I‘ve ever heard that

When I heard that at the first time, I’ve heard he said something but I forget it…some part I heard most is that he mentioned his children’s names… (I absolutely fond of this…J)

Firstly I heard, “mitha…nur…ipul…ayub…yusuf…ghani…

---About five years later…----

Some day, in the same way he did his powerful saying, sit on her favorite chair and tell me that he didn’t want to be disturbed, he said…”nduk…pak’e meh dzikir sik… jaga.nen…!” (Original version) then, at few moments soon, I heard, “mitha…nur…ipul…ayub…yusuf…ghani…nasrul…

Is there something different?? :D


About 2 years after that, when my daddy was doing his dzikir as his habitual activity…I heard the same as before, but there is a little bit different thing, because he said, “mitha…nur…ipul…ayub…yusuf…ghani…nasrul…sandri…

… 2 years passed away …

Just some times ago… I heard it again…unconsciously again… (Pardon me, daddy…)…and there is something different with the names he mentioned…hehee…

There is an additional name in the last sentence…because he has one more children named Rofi Zainy…his last child I think…hehee…

So…what would happen then???

I suppose you can guess what he would say is…

Yes…he said, “mitha…nur…ipul…ayub…yusuf…ghani…nasrul…sandri…rofi…


Ump…he always prays us indeed…yesterday…now…and next time…he is never change… (Except, the names of his children he mentioned, right…hehehee…)

Just wanna say, “What a great daddy he is…”

---For my daddy---

---Thanks for all, and forgive me if I can’t make you ‘happier’ yet…but, I’m sure I will---


Sunday, December 27, 2009
“aQ ingin pulang…
aQ mw pulang…
dan memang aQ hyuz pulang…”

ciang menjelang sore…I asked Hasibuan to pick me up to Lempuyangan railway station..
As usual, I go home by train, exactly PRAMEX, the yellow-gray train that makes me feel comfort with, even though I often have to stand up in the whole time reaching Solo city, my destination before I get the bus to my hometown.
Of course…it will make me feel tired…but…it’s not a big problem for me…because, it is a habit maybe. Enjoying everything, whatever it’s bad or not…just for arriving my homey home…
Yaaa…That’s it…
Hmmm…let me continue my story... ;)
At 2.30 pm, PRAMEX had arrived Lempuyangan. But, there are no such yellow-green train…there was a purple train over there. I had just realized that PRAMEX also has a train like that, an additional train, and the ‘special’ edition one, I think.
Well…I do like purple indeed. But, this purple train…for many reasons, I don’t think so…
And when I looked inside, the train was full of passenger. Too much full, and of course, it’s so crowded. Terpaksanya y…berdesak-desakan, duech. ‘N yang pastinya, by accident or not, akan ada banyak gesekan disana-sini…

-------------- (CUT!!!……hehehehee…) ---------------

Because of, at that day, PRAMEX in all time was so full.
Yes, I see…that day was holiday. So…no doubt about that phenomenon… And still as usual, I have to stand up in the whole time reaching home.
Demi ugz…demi…”, mungkin itu batinQ…hehee…
Then…I little bit feel lega when the train arrived Solo Balapan. Many passengers turun disini, and some seats were empty, so I could take a seat, melepas lelah (pyuuuh……)
setelah berdiri nearly an hour, tough just a few minutes before reaching Jebres railway station. (Chuipz…chuipz…alhamdulillah!)
When I was arriving the bus station in my hometown (Let’s sing a kids song, while draw a funny figure :-D…)
“…hujan rintik-rintik
Air bergelombang...
Adhe main bola ditengah lapangan
3 + 3 = 6
6 + 6 = 12…”
Can u imagine the image???
For the later information, you can call me… (hehehee…)

But, where is my adhe yang main bola ditengah lapangan???
Over there he was!! Di balik pintu rumah bercat putih yang sepertinya warnanya tak lagi bener2 putih…yang dihalamannya hanya ada sebuah pohon, pohon sirsak,
(Hmmm…delicious so…)
And…the house…architecture style-nya pun doesn’t imitate gaya klasik, modern, ataupun yang lagi banyak2nya digunakan, desain minimalis…
I think it just style pelebaran dibeberapa sisi sekenanya
But…it’s my homey home; my home sweet home…my home where my heart is…

I opened that grey old wooden door…
(Cekreeeeeeeeeek……… :D as if the sound of opening door)
Assalamualaikum…” I said. First time, I saw my daddy and my youngest brother, Rofi’, inside. But, my daddy kept in silent. I thought my daddy didn’t realize my coming…
Am I invisible girl, he…??? (Invisible MODE ON)
While…my youngest brother yang dah PeWe bgtz posisinya, with a ball in front of him [He must have played toy cars, I thought… (lho???)]
Back to my youngest brother…
When he’s seeing me, he just been silent and stared at me…
Well… what did he think about me, my costume, or my acne???hee.. I was so curious…(halaaaaah…)
I had some hypotheses about the case of my youngest brother above:
  • He must have surprised because of my beauty (huehuehuee…)
  • Maybe he thought that I would be his new baby sitter. ([clicking] LIKE THIS)
  • In bad possibility, maybe he thought…
Who is the stranger over there??? She must have wanted to steal me and take me into a karung!
Angkat senjata!!! “

(Psychopath MODE ON)
  • In worse possibility…
    When he’s seeing me, he said...
    “WHAT is THAT??? THAT is a FOOD!”

(jiaaaaah……… lebay…lebay…!!! Uga segitunya kaleee… :-D)
Hehee…just try to write more…
Okay… then… about my daddy…
I repeat saying my regard more loudly, “Assalamualaikum…”. I guessed that at previous time, my voice when saying the regard wasn’t loud enough so my daddy didn’t hear my regard before. Then…as my voice was heard, my invisibility began to be lost…and I my self started to be exist…
kayak apa ae kie to…heemmm…
My daddy answered my regard, “waalaikumsalam………… wey?! Mita mulih to ternyata…
Fi’…, lho…mbak mita teko……”
“hayooo…sopo iki???”

(mb’ mita cuantiq pastinya…hehee…)
After that, my daddy back to his own business, he seemed so busy that evening …
Again lagi…
Si Bungsu just stared at me…dengan penuh kekaguman… (wkwkwkwkwk…) Mungkin, it will be more correct if I said, he stared at me dengan penuh tanda tanya, but…those puzzles became clearer. Maybe in his mind, he thought…

Ooo…in fact, she’s my oldest sister to…I see…”

(Halaaaaaah…sok2’an understand what a baby thinking of was…)
Like father like son…like my daddy, his daddy too, he (with his innocent face) also back to his own business with his beloved ball….Maybe, Rofi’ seemed so busy too with his ball…
Ouhplease duech………….
Am I less interesting than that round ball???

Maybe… YES indeed…

===THE END===


That day was the first day of 2010…
And…”HAPPY NEW YEAR…” Said my friend… ^_^
Some people consider it as a special day, but some other feels nothing; maybe just something as usual…
So…why is it so special (for some people)?
Ump…as you knew, lah
It is the first day of this New Year 2010…and in the whole year, of course, we just have a January 01, the only one January 01…
Right, kan??? (Hehehee…)
Then…the story must go on…
That day is Friday…and what is going on Friday???
Well…my friend and I also usually join a religion teaching like we’ve done every Thursday, but every Friday morning is especially for the teenager.
That day is Friday, and also the first day of 2010. That was a national holiday, or maybe international holiday. All of national calendars mark the number of that day in a red font…that meant that January 01 is a national holiday.
But, there is no holiday for our religion teaching, except if there is a serious problem that causes this annual activity must be left.
This activity begins at 05.00 am until 06.00 am.
And that’s the morning after New Year’s Eve…I went to Sambilegi, the place where we held our religion teaching, at some minutes before 5.00 am; I’ve just forgotten when the exact time was… :D
When I was passing trough Solo Street, the Street which was so crowded and noisy the night before, that morning seemed clean enough, guys!!!
Before, I thought that I would find mass and dirty areas all along the road, though it couldn’t be denied that there were some areas which were dirty and mess…
Okay…well done pokoke for the tidiness (I mean)…not for the mess…


A few moments in New Year’s Eve…
Yes…that day is December 31, 2009…and that day was Thursday…
Some of you must be known about something that we usually do every Thursday evening. ;)
Okay…that day, every people…hmmm…I mean not every people, but nearly almost of the people around the world rejoiced New Year’s Eve celebration.
Well…no doubt about that…
That’s an annual celebration, right???
Since the Christmas’s Eve a week before or maybe on early days of December, di pinggir-pinggir jalan I’ve ever passed, there were so many people sold some things, some must things that have to be exist in that celebration…
Those were trumpets and fireworks…
All kinds of trumpets in all shapes and their unique forms were available…but, all of them have the similar sounds I think…a quite noisy sound…that was the joy of this celebration maybe…
Then, we’re able to find many fireworks sold around that month. Many fireworks’ sellers offered so many various fireworks, from the small one to the bigger and even more the biggest one…
So complete…possibly…
Sayang anak…sayang anak…” The sellers shouted out. Hehehee
Maybe any other things that is usual used in the annual New Year celebration??? If you have…just save it for the next year celebration aja… :D
Truly, we were outside that night…
But we wouldn’t celebrate that New Year’s Eve. We were still in the ‘Majlis’ by the time 19.30 pm. That day was Thursday. And of course, my friends and I usually join religion teaching every evening on Thursday.
We were keeping stay over there because we would watch a documentary film entitled ‘SICKO’.
It’s a noble film I thought…
It told about the American health insurance which is compared with the other countries’.
Yes…as we watched…we’ve known that in United State of America, yang tak lain dan tak bukan merupakan negara yang sangat maju; the super power country, the health level is under the other developing countries, such as Britain, Canada and France. What does influence this phenomenon?
In those countries, there are such a government policy, like a health insurance, applied for the health aspect that make the citizen must not to pay more to get their health facilities, from the cheap one to the more expensive one. Even more, they get free for it. And it prevails for all of citizen in all of social stratum. Or it can be said that the government applies health socialization policy.
Just something that is nearly similar with that.
In United States, there is something like health insurance which ought to have made the citizen haven’t get problem to obtain theirs health facilities should have gotten without pay more.
But, in fact, the Americans still have to pay more and more to get it. Moreover, there are some citizens who can’t be rescued from the serious ill because it is very hard to finance their health fee. Whereas, in Cuba, a developed country in the center part of America continent, applies the similar health insurance policy like Britain, France, and Canada above.
As well as…in the Guantanamo jail; United States’, there is such a free health facilities within it…
And now…how about in our country??? Let’s think about it for a while…

Saturday, February 20, 2010


I’d ever had a diary when I was Senior High School. Among my physics, mathematics, biology, and other books, I left an ordinary, really ordinary, book which was used to put my secrets inside.
Inside it was about my activities with some secret opinions, comments, and feelings. For its absolutely secret…you knew lah…no one might read my diary…even, my closest friends anymore.
Well…we tend to make a better relationship with our friends by sharing each other, sometimes we also tell some secret thing…
Itu manusiawi…
Masih ingat pelajaran PPKN SMP, right?
It was explained that human is monodualism one. It means…dalam seorang manusia, terdapat 2 sifat yang bertolakbelakang, yakni sifat individual itu sendiri and of course, sifat sosialnya. Manusia adalah makhluk social, tapi makhluk individu juga. Manusia memang membutuhkan orang lain, dan sering juga dibutuhkan orang lain pastinya. For that reasons, almost people need the others t share what problem she/ he got. She/ he expects to find the solving through the others’ advices (diluar dugaan, mungkin orang lain itu pernah merasakan hal sama, dan bisa saja memberikan problem solving atau solusi yang lebih baik). Or just sharing with them, some people will be fell better…lega
Every people has their own way to handle it, right…
But, beside that, tak jarang kita menemukan manusia dengan sifat-sifat individualnya; egois, mau menang sendiri, apatis, kikir, dll.nya.
Contoh dari sifat individual manusia yang dianggap wajar-wajar adalah ketika mereka bicara tentang privasi. Menurut writer sendiri, privasi hampir selevel dengan hak asasi, but bedanya, jika dijelaskan mathematically, privasi merupakan himpunan bagian dari himpunan semesta hak asasi…
Pun privasi juga terkait bermacam-macam hal. Diary ini contohnya.
For some people who can’t share to the others well (maybe like me), they usually share in their own way to melampiaskan their own emotions. Writing diary is just one of its examples.
And as I said before, I’d ever had a diary when I was Senior High School. I called it ‘THINK’ with a figure of a light bulb. There are two eyes in the bulb, and also the smiling formed-filament.
Can you imagine that???
I didn’t fill this diary with my writing everyday. Yeah…not everyday. Just when I want ajah…
Once upon a day…I merapikan rak buku as usual. There is nothing strange…everything was good. But, someone who isn’t mentioned her name or kita sebut saja BUNGA (not her real name), suddenly, she told me that she read my diary…
Well…her honest maybe could be accepted. But, her bad-mannered (I think, diary is someone’s top secret and relate with her/his privacy), I don’t think so it could be accepted anymore. Moreover, she read it without my permission…
Certainly, I was extremely angry at her. Unfortunately, she didn’t realize my anger. Maybe, I didn’t look like someone who was angry…heeemmm… truly; I really want to be angry, but I can’t… lastly, senyum yang kupaksakan muncul (so sorry about it). Didn’t she feel in guilty, hah???
After that, I stopped writing diary for little bit long time. I was confused.
Then I forced me my self to start writing again. And when I started it, I’d just written it in a simplest word, even just a word, which represents my all feelings. It can be inferred that I used some figurative language, such as; Synecdoche part prototo, just a part but refers to all, and symbolism.
In the other hand, because of that case, I began to try learning the other way to make my diary illegible for beberapa orang yang tak bertanggung jawab seperti contoh diatas. I try to learn some things such those figurative languages above, English language itself, and more other unique alphabets.
Yupz…memang selalu ada hikmah dari setiap kejadian
That’s it.


This week is so hard. I don’t know why. It’s so complicated.
I do not able to leave this torment. I always think about it. Everything makes me remember it, by accident or not. This feel never leave me. Or I just do not want to leave it. Am I wrong about this pain? It is a usual feeling, and everyone ever feel it. Everyone have it.
Is there anything wrong with me?
No…I must not think that I’m false. No one is false. It isn’t a mistake, and no one is to be mistaken.
But everything must be having a beginning. When I started something (some weird feelings), I have to finish it well. I don’t find what word, an appropriate word that can be used to explain the sentence before.
I just want to expect for the best.
I wish.